Book the Lodge

Lodge Rentals

  • Hourly Rate: $35.00

    Half Day Rate: $130.00

    Full Day Rate: $255.00

    Additional Hourly Rate: $32.00 (by increments of 15 minutes)

  • Hourly Rate: $25.00

    Half Day Rate: $80.00

    Full Day Rate: $150.00

    Additional Hourly Rate: $20.00 (by increments of 15 minutes)

  • Half Day Rate: $35.00

    If you need use the kitchen longer than a half day please contact us for further information.

  • Hourly Rate: $50.00

    Half Day Rate: $180.00

    Full Day Rate: $350.00

    Additional Hourly Rate: $40.00 (by increments of 15 minutes)

  • Use of Lodge Tables and Chairs: $20.00

    Use of Lodge Tablecloths: $70.00

    Ping Pong Table: $10.00

    Corn Hole: $10.00

    The renter is responsible for:

    Set-up/take-down/clean-up of The Lodge Kitchen

    Set-up/take-down/storage of The Lodge Tables and Chairs

At the sole discretion of The Lodge Administrator, the Renter may be required to pay a refundable $100.00 cleaning/damage deposit. The Renter may also be required to pay for a Lodge representative to be present to supervise the use of the Lodge at a rate of $15.00 an hour.

Assembly Hall